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Cleaning and hygiene services managers and proprietors

Cleaning and hygiene services managers and proprietors supervise cleaning staff, order supplies and oversee budgets. They ensure the quality standards and that customers' expectations are met and are responsible for supporting and enforcing good health and safety practices.

Based on analysing 846 job ads this job spends 39.6% of the time doing green tasks. A job advert for this occupation has on average 16 skills asked for, of which 2.2% are green skills. The pay band for this job is between £28,000 - £30,000.

Top regions

At the point of upload, job adverts are tagged with a specific location. These locations are standardised to ITL 2 (International Territory Levels) codes. For each ITL region, we divide the proportion of job adverts for an occupation by the proportion for all occupations - this gives us a measure of which regions have proportionally more or less job adverts for each occupation - we call this the "location quotient". We display the ITL regions with the highest location quotients for this occupation.

Highlands and Islands
North Eastern Scotland
East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire

Top green skills for this occupation

For each job advert we extract the green skills it asks for. We display the 5 most commonly asked for green skills for this occupation.

Perform cleaning activities in an environmentally friendly way

Found in 80 job ads (24.0%)

Implement environmental protection measures

Found in 58 job ads (17.4%)

Execute disease and pest control activities

Found in 28 job ads (8.4%)

Ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production

Found in 14 job ads (4.2%)

Perform environmental remediation

Found in 11 job ads (3.3%)

Top skills for this occupation

For each job advert we extract the skills it asks for. We display the 5 most commonly asked for skills (green or not) for this occupation.

Set hygiene standards

Found in 302 job ads (2.4%)


Found in 214 job ads (1.7%)

Perform cleaning duties

Found in 206 job ads (1.6%)

Leading and motivating

Found in 192 job ads (1.5%)

Complying with health and safety procedures

Found in 180 job ads (1.4%)


We extract industry information from job adverts using the way the company is described in the advert. We display the most common industries job adverts in this occupation are linked to.

Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations

Found in 76 job ads (13.8%)

Cleaning services (other than disinfecting and extermination services)

Found in 58 job ads (10.5%)

Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Found in 32 job ads (5.8%)

Services to buildings and landscape activities

Found in 38 job ads (6.9%)

Manufacture of food products

Found in 37 job ads (6.7%)
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About this analysis

This analysis has been compiled by measuring the greenness of online job adverts. You can read more about the methodology here.