See how green different occupations are.
Displaying occupations 991 - 1000 of 1095 in total
Wedding planners and organisers
Based on 219 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £25,000 - £28,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.
School secretaries
Based on 5,814 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £22,100 - £25,140 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.
Translators and interpreters
Based on 382 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £25,000 - £27,300 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 6.4% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the lowest band.
Literary editors
Based on 270 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £24,000 - £26,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 6.4% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the lowest band.
Based on 110 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £42,716 - £48,068 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 12.9% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the lowest band.
Medical practice managers
Based on 128 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £46,819 - £50,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.
Sales and lettings managers
Based on 7,672 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £30,000 - £44,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 22.4% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Nursing associates
Based on 295 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £21,892 - £24,157 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 1.7% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the lowest band.
Accounts directors
Based on 484 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £55,000 - £62,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 37.4% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Conveyancing professionals
Based on 963 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 0.1% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £35,000 - £45,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.