See how green different occupations are.
Displaying occupations 81 - 90 of 1095 in total
Property, housing and estate managers
Based on 1,176 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.9% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £40,000 - £45,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 22.4% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Industrial cleaning process occupations
Based on 4,398 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.9% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £20,085 - £21,157 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 11.1% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the lowest band.
Construction project managers and related professionals
Based on 1,503 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.8% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £45,000 - £55,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 25.3% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Roofers, roof tilers and slaters
Based on 1,367 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.8% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £32,000 - £36,143 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 24.9% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Biomedical engineers
Based on 244 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.7% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £30,000 - £35,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 21.1% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Medical physicists and nuclear medicine scientists
Based on 69 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.7% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £44,205 - £51,668 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 1.8% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the lowest band.
Packaging designers
Based on 847 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.7% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £30,000 - £35,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.
Veterinary practice managers
Based on 140 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.7% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £27,600 - £37,952 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.
Physical scientists
Based on 311 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.7% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £33,000 - £44,000 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 25.3% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the middle band.
Research and development chemists
Based on 1,036 job adverts for this occupation since 2021:
- Green skills made up 2.6% of all skills mentioned, which is in the lowest band across occupations.
- The industries posting these ads were in the highest band of industry greenness (based on CO2 emissions).
The median annual salary was £27,000 - £32,820 from the ads that mentioned salary.
The ONS estimated that 0.0% of hours were spent on green tasks in 2019 for workers in the broader parent group for this occupation, which is in the band.